Early Game

Levels 1-5

Laning Furion has the ability to lane solo, so whatever works for you. If you're going Forest Furion, take middle or bottom so that you can leave to creep at 3 or 5. Remember that Sprout lasts 3 seconds at level 1, so it's an extremely strong disable coupled with a nice stun nuke. Laning with a CM or VS, for example, will net you an easy First Blood at level 1 if possible, or at level 3 if that's not possible. Lina also works in this strategy, but because LSA kills your trees, it'll have to be timed fairly well by your ally LSA. Focus on getting last hits and deny when possible.

After getting first blood, Laning Furion should head over to a solo lane if possible. Also remember that Teleporting behind an enemy, and then just sprouting them will be effective in ganking them on top or bottom lane, away from the towers. Doing this with an allied stunner like you did for first blood makes it easy, also.


You sprout, you both auto-attack, when Sprout is almost down, she casts LSA for the kill, followed by a Dragon Slave if needed.

Crystal Maiden

Sprout, auto-attack by both of you, when Sprout is almost down, Frostbite and attack for the kill, Frost Shock if needed.

Vengeful Spirit

Same as above, Sprout, attack, Magic Missile when sprout is over.

At level 3, if you're going Forest, you may head into the... forest and start creeping, but because you're Force Of Nature isn't very strong yet, start with the weaker creeps. I suggest reading MrX's Creep Guide if you're going Forest Furion, as it will explain where the weaker and stronger creeps are on the map, and also which creeps are best to use your HoM on. I suggest playing a bit more passively when laning as Forest Furion, as you won't have the early stats from Circlets/Gauntlets to buffer your health a bit. If you don't feel safe going in at level 3 to creep, and think you'll do better in the lane, stay in the lane until level 5, then begin your neutral creeping.

Levels 6-9

Continue ganking/assisting your team as Laning Furion, or creeping as Forest Furion. Throughout this part of the game, you'll usually just gank as Laning and farm/assist with Forest Furion. As Forest Furion, once you have farmed up your HoM, you'll farm much, much faster, and your Force Of Nature will be max level at level 7, meaning that you'll blow through neutrals extremely quickly. Whenever Wrath is off cooldown and you have the mana to afford it, cast it on some neutrals, or just run into a lane with an enemy hero and cast it on the creeps there to harass the enemy heroes effectively.

If you get HoM, go for Centaur Khan and those Polar Furbolg neutral creeps first, they average around 230 gold for transmuting them, as MrX's guide already told you if you read it like I told you to.
Mid Game

Levels 10-12

GOGO GANK MACHINE. Maybe. If you've farmed up your Eul's by this point, which hopefully you have, you'll be an extremely strong and frightening presence on the map. Remember that if you're having troubles with health and mana in the Forest build, buying a vitality booster at this time in the game for your Heart later isn't a bad idea. Remember that at this point (after your Eul's), it's more important to assist your team in ganks then sit in the forest and farm. Farm all you want, but if you see a gank or team battle going on, teleport up to it to assist in the fighting, because you are quite a strong force with your Eul's at this point, considering that you have two disables to aid the team, and more damage. Remember that you have HoM, and use it when needed.

Levels 13-16

Rawr. At level 16 you'll finish up your ultimate. At this point in the game, Forest Furion should stop spending so much time in the forest, and start pushing and ganking a lot more. You may also wanna work with your team at doing a Rosh or something, as your high damage/DPS will make it fairly easy if you go with a tank. Start checking runes out a lot also, a Furion with a DD rune is a fearsome sight. From this point on in the game, you're mostly just ganking and assisting with pushes, and farming when you have the time.
Late Game

You have Eul's/Guin's, you have your Diffusal/Manta, maybe even have your Heart. Gogo kill machine. You're an extremely powerful force on the map, and all fear you. Play strong, go with team members that have disables if you're having trouble against certain enemy heroes, and remember that you're still the strongest pushing force on the map besides maybe Phantom Lancer because you can hop all around the map at will to push lane after lane.

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