Here is Medusa Guidance to play, well it's a normal strategy.
But It is a powerfull strategy.
Enjoy it
Early game:
Grab your start items, and head for the bottom lane on sentinel or the top lane on scourge and try to get a solo lane. If you can't don't fret, its not a big deal. Your main goal here will be to nab as many last hits on creeps as possible, while not pushing too far and staying safe. Your main goal here is to not die before getting your sacred relic (or your maelstrom). Early game deaths hurt and possibly destroy Medusa, so don't be too bold and try to go for early game kills (unless of course you are laning with someone with a good stun). If the opportunity presents itself, purge and try to get the kill, but never chase too far. Its better to let them go heal, while letting you farm in peace. Than get the kill and also die (unless its first blood), in which case you will have a big halt in your farming. So hold down alt and look for those creeps in the red. You can even manually patrol behind your creep line if you really dont want to push far, and when the creep gets in the low red - pop 'em with a last hit.
[Chain Lightning use tip] Some times i like to get a RoB or a bottle early so i can spam some chain lightning. As a rule of thumb, if you ever have full mana, use chain lightning on an enemy and try to hit him a couple of times. In addition, one way you can harass at level 6 (and possibly get early game kills) is the purge/lightning combo. If any hero laggs behind his creep wave when you have two or more creeps, and they only have one that is about to die. Run at them and purge them. Get as many hits as you can (your creeps will get some too) and right when they reach about 600 range, let them have it. If done right this can get first blood at level 6-7. Also chain is great for farming early. Hit the druid in the back a couple of times until it is low. Then target the lightning on the hero in your lane if he is close. Always try to get at least one creep kill with your chain lightning as well as harassing the enemy, it makes the skill much more worthwhile.
[Build two tip] If you are planing on ganking a bit early game, be aware of your surroundings. Try not to engage in too many ganks that require you to leave your lane. If possible, have your teamates (preferably with a stun or a slowing nuke) come to your lane. When going for early game hero kills on an opponent with a teamate by your side, it is crucial that you both get your timing down. If you can surprise them from behind by going through the forest, then good. If not, then you are going to want to get close to your creeps before you plan on going for the kill. Act like you are just going for creep kills and denying, but close the distance in that you are keeping from your creep wave. When the time presents itself (near the end of a wave), have your teamate fire off his stun or slow. This is when you both run to the enemy hero and start attacking. Know in your head how long the stun lasts and right at the end immidiately purge the enemy. Make sure you and your teamate get in as many hits as you can (and possibly your teamate can stun/slow again if his cd is up), and if the enemy is running away with low health get as many shots in as you can and use chain to finish him at around 500 range. NEVER chase too far though. As I said, it is better to let them go heal and farm in peace in your lane.
Mid game:
Hopefully by now you have managed to farm your sacred relic or maelstrom components with little to no trouble. Now its time to hunt some heroes and make that money to buy the receipt (pushing and getting tower kills will do to).
When killing with Medusa it is best to attack from behind the enemy. Stay at 600 range and see how many hits you can get in before they react. When they react, whether its attacking you or running, purge them. Purge also slows attack speed, which makes Medusa a good solo killer as well. If they look like they are about to get away and your last shots won't finish them off, run along side them while your purge cools down, when it does, purge them again and finish them off.
Never try to go after two heroes especially if one has a stun. Even if one of the heroes is in the yellow / red, you will be surprised what a little micro, and a stun can do - NEVER underestimate your opponent (If one of the heroes is in the low red and decides to hang around - by all means, purge and own that newb...).
Once you have finished radiance or maelstrom its time to do a bit of pushing, (or more killing if you wish) you will find that when you have one of these items you get almost all the creep kills in every wave, you will soon find yourself rich enough to buy those treads and the next item on your list. Also if you have any extra time on your hands stop by the big creep camps. With split shot and your fast attack, they go down pretty quickly.
Using split shot: Don't be lazy while using split shot, turn it on when there are more than three creeps, and turn it off afterwards. Also a good thing to do is turn on split shot and attack the ranged creep. This guarantees you will get at least one creep kill, and most likely you will get the melee creeps as well.
Try not to push so far that you will get ganked, unless you are with a teamate, and you are not Rambo do not try and take on multiple heroes by yourself, especially if you don't have your BKB and one of them has a disable.
[Team battle tip] Medusa plays a large role as a damage dealer in team battles, however, you must get the timing down with your team. The fight should never start by you running out like a maniac in front of your team and putting arrows in whoever dares show their face. Stay with your team and wait for the teamates with the AoE moves to start the battle (Tidehunter, magnataur, enigma). Once they have used their skills, immidiately turn on split shot (and bkb if you have it), purge and focus on the enemy team's biggest threat (as long as they are not too far back). Don't get scared that you are not doing enough damage, or stop and run back (unless you are getting low). Fire off as many arrows as you possibly can. If there are any creeps around, they WILL be killed in the first couple of waves of your attack and ALL three arrows will be hitting enemy heroes. This means that even if the hero you are focusing on doesn't seem like he will killed by your assault, there is a good chance you have killed/badly injured a weaker hero next to him. At any point weakened heroes start to run, run along side them (hopefully you have BoT by this point) and wait for your purge to cool down. When it does, purge and finish them. However, the base should always be your prime focus, so never chase enemy heroes too far if there is still a threat at your base.
Late game:
By now you should at least have your Radiance / Mjollnir, BKB, and starting on Skadi or Butterfly. Now its time to push with your teammates and try to end the game.
Keep using your splitshot in team battles to put pressure on all enemy heroes and get them low. Less experienced players will tell you splitshot sucks and not to use it on heroes. DON'T LISTEN TO THEM! Once you have good damage, splitshot works wonders on enemy heroes and they will just crap themselves when they dont realize you have it on in time and they all end up in red.
You can take most any hero one on one, but be wary of those who have many disables if you don't have BKB or Linkens, disables are Medusa's weakness, (like most heroes) and at this point in the game I would advise sticking with teammates to avoid unnecessary death.
Also, if Roshan is up, your team might want to take him out before a big push. You are probobly the best candidate the have the aegis on (as you will most likely be the biggest damage dealer, and able to stop pushes by yourself), but if they don't give it to you don't stress it. Also you might want a hero to lag behind the Roshan spawn, or even put some observer wards up around the area to make sure the enemy team doesn't surprise you while your team is taking out Roshan. DO NOT, turn something that was unnecessary into something that loses the game for you. If the enemy team is coming, and you don't believe you can take them, then run. Simple as that.
If you find yourself at the end of your item build (meaning you have insane damage and health), your team might want to try some split pushing. Meaning you push in one lane, and your team pushes in another. Always be aware of how crafty your team is and where the enemy team is on the map, however. If the enemy team sends all they have got at you, then run back and teleport to your team to continue pushing with them. If they enemy team sends all they have got at your team, have them retreat while you knock of one of the enemy towers. If they split up their team, you should be able to kill whoever they send after you. But if not, abort this strategy and return to regular pushing.
Extended Split Shot Analysis / Formula:
Lets say you have an item that does 20 damage. When you turn on split shot you have three arrows each of which are shooting for 70 of Medusa's total damage. So the formula we would do is 20*.7=14 each arrow 14*3=42. So if you get the item that does 20 damage and use splitshot, you are adding 42 effective damage overall while using splitshot.
Say the same item that does 20 damage costs 1,000 gold, and we are trying to see if it will be a cost effective item to get for Medusa. The formula we would do is 1,000/20=50, wich means that for each point of damage you payed 50 gold, which would actually be very good if there was an item like this, because it would make it more cost-effective than the gg branch . These two formulas are very simple math, and you can use them to determine which items are better than the others for Medusa.
Heroes To Watch Out For:
Magina: Although this one is obvious suspects, he is the first one on my list. Magina has always been a great hero to kill Medusa because of his mana break ability combined with his ultimate. So basically using your mana shield against you, and when its drained using his ultimate to finish you off.
How to counter: Dont be in his lane early on, like i said early game deaths destroy Medusa. Switch lanes or get a buddy with a disable to help you. Also, with purge you can make sure he isn't getting alot of hits in to drain your mana. And as always, watch the minimap, MASTER IT. Dont let people surprise you with ganks, always count your dots.
Naga Siren: This is less of a threat because you dont see as many siren players as magina players, but its still the same problem. Any good siren will go diffusal/manta, and when they do, your mana shield is in critical danger.
How to counter: Again always watch your minimap and dont let them surprise you. You cannot counter siren the same way you counter magina because of her many images. I suggest sticking around teamates that have AoE damage to let you determine wich one is the real siren (not a hard task), or you can do it yourself. Turn on splitshot and shoot 2-3 arrows while holding 'alt', along with radiance it should be an easy task determining wich one is real, after wards just focus fire on the real siren, and hopefully with your high dmg output and her low hp, she will fall before you do. But in anycase stick with your teamates if you need support.
These are the BIG problems for Medusa, but also if you are up against big early game hero killsers like Maiden, or Venomancer. Either get some regen or switch lanes. Don't be too proud or embarassed to ask your partners for a lane change, if you die too much early your game could be destroyed.
Split Shot Tips:
While attacking the creep wave, toggle on splitshot and attack the ranged creep. This way you are assured one creep kill, and you will usually get 2-3 of the melee creeps aswell, depending on how far along with your item build you are.
Also, although you think that going for neutral creeps is a waste, there is a little trick with radiance to make it a quick and profitable experience. On the sentinal side there is a spot, right by the top entrance of the forest, where if you stand you can draw all creeps towards you, making money quick and easy.
Screen Shot
The same works on the scourge side, but it is less profitable because you can only draw two creep camps at a time. Work on your timing so you can try to come, to the creep camp and lure some creeps away right as another one spawns, if you can do this succesfully you can easily get 500+ gold for about 20 second of farming, wich is not "neglecting your team by farming and not pushing" because with radiance farming takes no time at all.
Screen Shot
While you are attacking a tower, activate splitshot, it will not only do a great deal of damage to the tower, but the creeps fighting yours will die, which allows for more time attacking the tower, not to mention the creep kills for you.
The Many Uses Of Purge:
We all know that purge slows opponents move speed, but what else does purge do?
First, it is very good at not only slowing a heroe's movement speed but slowing their attack speed. No matter if they are clinx and they have strafe on, they will start to attack very slowly. Use this to your advantage when you are taking out a hero with a high damage output.
Second, it is good at dispelling buffs. In addition to good ones on enemy heroes, it also dispells bad buffs. So not only can you save a teamate by purging an enemy thats chasing them, if they are in frostbite, have any type of slow on them, even if they are cycloned, be a good teamate and purge them. It will take the effect and will not slow your teamate like it does the enemy.
Third, you can use it to destroy summons. If you are up against a Phantom Lancer, Naga Siren, or Terror Blade, you can use purge to instantly rid yourself of some confusion. As well as if you are up against a Prophet, or Enigma you can kill their summons with purge. Also whether intended or not, if you are up against a keeper player, and they are annoying you by pushing with their ult, purge their Ignius Fatus. It will instantly destroy it and all the summons.
Fourth, it bypasses all magic immunity, BKB, Jugg's bladstorm. Whatever they throw at you, you will be able to purge them. So use this to your advantage.
Fifth, you can purge yourself!!! So if you are constantly getting hit with buffs, trying purging yourself to see if the buff will be removed.
Advanced Mana Shield Analysis:
So the question is, we know mana shield will take half the damage, but how much will actually be done to it, and will armor/magic resistance help?
Well i bellieve mana sheild works like this. The damage hits you and is immidatly divided by two. (armor and magic resist still hasent occured) The mana shield will absorb two points of damage done to the shield for each point of mana. Then the other half goes to life. (and finally the armor and magic resist are taken into account, before the damage is done the the life)
So say you have a 300 damage nuke. 1000 hp and 500 mana. You would end up with 888 hp and 425 mana. (mana takes damage before magic resist - 150 damage done (divided by 2 = 75), and hp takes damage with magic resist - 112 damage done)
So this means that armor and magic resist will not help your mana shield last longer, only mana/mana regen items.
So the question is, we know mana shield will take half the damage, but how much will actually be done to it, and will armor/magic resistance help?
Well i bellieve mana sheild works like this. The damage hits you and is immidatly divided by two. (armor and magic resist still hasent occured) The mana shield will absorb two points of damage done to the shield for each point of mana. Then the other half goes to life. (and finally the armor and magic resist are taken into account, before the damage is done the the life)
So say you have a 300 damage nuke. 1000 hp and 500 mana. You would end up with 888 hp and 425 mana. (mana takes damage before magic resist - 150 damage done (divided by 2 = 75), and hp takes damage with magic resist - 112 damage done)
So this means that armor and magic resist will not help your mana shield last longer, only mana/mana regen items.
Posted by
A d '
9:02 PM
Strategy and tricks
Level 9 Mana Shield
An Item build for Medusa and Skill build .
A fantastic Build from author.
Skill Build One:
Level 1: Stats
Level 2: Mana Shield
Level 3: Mana Shield
Level 4: Stats
Level 5: Mana Shield
Level 6: Purge
Level 7: Mana Shield
Level 8: Stats
Level 9: Split Shot
Level 10: Split Shot
Level 11: Split Shot
Level 12: Split Shot
Levels 13 - 25: Max out stats, then purge, then finish with chain lightning.
Comments: This is, in my opinion, the best Medusa skill build there is. The stats will add a lot to Medusa's health and mana pool. Combined with mana shield Medusa becomes a real pain to kill. This build is best used when you are soloing a lane.Skill Build Two:
Level 1: Chain lightning
Level 2: Mana Shield
Level 3: Chain lightning
Level 4: Mana Shield
Level 5: Chain lightning
Level 6Purge
Level 7 Chain lightening
Level 8 Mana Shield
Levels 10 - 25: Max Split Shot, then stats, then purge
Comments: This build is for early game harassment and ganks. You might choose this build over the first if you are laning with a hero that stuns/slows and you want to pick up some early game kills.3.
UtilitiesStarting items may vary quite a bit.If you are soloing a lane you might want to consider a combination out of a chicken, RoR, circlets, branches, and tango. If you are in a lane with a teamate you might want to consider a combination out of a bottle, RoB, RoR, circlets, claritys, tango, and branches.
However, im sure you all are more worried about what "major" item we will be working towards. The main thing Medusa needs is lots of cost-effective, non-orb damage. Lets take a look at how cost effective some non-receipt items are (taking into account damage ONLY), and how much damage they give with split shot toggled on.
Eagle Horn: 138 gold per dmg, dmg with splitshot: 56 (17 each arrow)
Blade of Alacrity: gold per 100 dmg, dmg with splitshot: 22 (7 each arrow)
Wraith band: 76 gold per dmg, dmg with splitshot: 13 (4 each arrow)
Demon Edge: 72 gold per dmg, dmg with splitshot: 81 (25 each arrow)
Hammer: 67 gold per dmg, dmg with splitshot: 58 (16 each arrow)
Claymore: 66 gold per dmg, dmg with splitshot: 47 (14 each arrow)
Broadsword: 66 gold per dmg, dmg with splitshot: 40 (12 each arrow)
Sacred Relic: 63 gold per dmg, dmg with splitshot: 135 (42 each arrow)
As you see from the list, sacred relic is not only the most cost effective, it also gives the highest amount of damage when you turn on split shot. Yes it will be hard farming up sacred relic at the beginning of the game if you choose to head for it first, and will take cautious playing but once you get it - it's all down hill from there.
If the task of saving up for sacred relic at the start of the game is too much for you, get a smaller item as a stepping stone, then get sacred relic or a different item of your choice. Medusa is all about adapting.Two items also need an honorable mention.
These two items are Butterfly and Mjollnir. I would not advise getting butterfly as a first item. This is because butterfly needs decent damage to be useful. If you are getting it as your first item, you will have pathetic damage and the extra attack speed will be put to waste.
Mjollnir is situational. Overall I still recommend radiance first over mjollnir because it is cheaper and the immolation is great for dealing damange/farming without needing you to attack to get the benefit. This means it is great during purge-chases. On top of that, getting mjollnir means you are getting maelstrom first and maelstrom is definitely inferior in farming capabilities when compared to a sacred relic (although its easier to farm).
This means by getting a sacred relic and using it to farm up radiance, then in turn using radiance to farm up other items will be a MUCH quicker process than using maelstrom to do the same thing. Plus mjollnir is best with good attack speed, which you will not have early game.However if you are sharing a lane with someone, or you are in a solo lane and you don't think you are farming so well then feel free to go for mjollnir first.Some good items for Medusa are as follows:
Sacred Relic-Adds 60 damage(Turns into)
Radiance-Adds 60 damage-35 Damage immolation-8% EvasionRadiance
As you can see from the chart relic is the most cost effective, as well as giving the most damage, however relic only upgrades into two things - rapier and radiance. I think radiance is much more practical than rapier and will help you in your farming immensly as well as dealing dmg in team battles.
Skadi-Plus 25 to all stats-Plus 150 mana-Plus 200 life-Frost attack
Skadi is MADE for Medusa. Think about it. Her strength and intell progression is the exact same, and both stats are good for her overall hp. Also, what Medusa needs is a way to keep the enemy in one place, damage, and attackspeed. Skadi provides a slow, 25 percent attackspeed, and 25 damage. This is everything Medusa needs rolled into one.
Butterfly-Adds 30 agility-Adds 30 damage-Increases attack rate by 30 percent-30% Evasion
Again Medusa needs attackspeed and damage. Butterfly is the next cost efficient thing on our list. Its also a plus that it gives amazing attackspeed and good evasion (As if you weren't hard enough to kill already).
Maelstrom-Adds 25 damage-Adds 6 agility-25% chance to release 150 damage chain lightning
MaelstromSimple, it's great as an early game stepping stone to mjollnir. Also, with the 150 dmg lightning it is a mini-crit and it splashes helping you kill everything you got low with splitshot. Very nice item.
Although it only shoots one arrow when you get the lightning effect, it is still splash damage so we will make an exception. It can always be sold very late game in favor of other items if it is not upgraded.
Mjollnir-Adds 35 agility-Adds 35 damage-20% chance to release a 200 damage chain lightning-20% chance to release a 200 damage static charge against an enemy carring the static charge buff
This item is quite a big upgrade from maelstrom. It gives a whopping 70 damage, and 35% attack speed increase. Not only that, but both the activate abilities are very nice for damaging groups of creeps/heroes and thats what Medusa is all about. This item in combination with high attackspeed can work wonders in hero slaying.
Black King Bar-Adds 10 strength-Adds 18 damage-Gives "avitar" (10 second magic immunity)
Simple, when there are alot of nukers / stuners you will need to get this, no matter if it has been nerfed to hell or not. When you turn this on, turn split shot on, run in and attack, trust me - 10 seconds will be plenty to get all their heroes in the low orange or red late game.
Hood of Defiance-Gives 30% spell reduction-Gives 8 health per second regeneration
Hood of Defiance
Well, since there is no more aegis we are going to need an option to reduce spell damage. Hood of Defiance does a great job of this. You are going to want to get this item when you are getting hit with a lot of high-damage, non-stunning spells. 30% is nothing to be scoffed at and you will find that your survivability will be increased immensly.
Linken's Sphere-Adds 15 to all stats-Gives 6 health per second regeneration-Gives 150% mana regeneration-Gives "spell negation" (Will block a single target spell once every few minutes)
This is a great item for Medusa when there are stunners, but not enough to get BKB. It gives health AND mana regeneration - both of which are crucial for Medusa. +15 to all stats which adds a good chunck to Medusa's overall hp (including mana shield) and it blocks a target spell once every few minutes. Good item.
Item Build:Starting items - previously stated
Sacred Relic (3800)
Boots (500)Radiance (1525)ORBoots of Elvenskin (450)
Mithril Hammer (1610)
Boots (500)
Maelstrom (1250)
Eaglehorn (3400)
Boots of Travel (2200)
(Get your BKB here if there is alot of disables/nukes/stuns)
Now you have a decision to make. If you went radiance first, take a look at your enemy heroes. If there is a lot of fast attacking agility heroes, then go straight to butterfly for the evasion or skadi for the health boost.
If there is a mixture of int and str heroes then get mjollnir.
Eagle Horn (3400)
Quarter Staff (1150)
Butterfly (1400)OR/THEN
Ultimate Orb (2300)
Ultimate Orb (2300)
Point Booster (1200)
Eye of Skadi
Posted by
A d '
7:07 PM
Heroes Items build and Skill build,
Medusa, The Gorgon
Maximizing Damage Potential
Introduction (Read It, It's Not Gonna Kill You):
Hello everyone, my name is Donald, but you can call me 'Donz' for short. If you know one thing about me it's that I have terrible vision, thus my guide will feature dull colors and ridiculously large text. I apologize in advance for any inconveniences this may cause you.
If you have been a part of the forums for a while, you will know that Medusa is my favorite hero and accordingly she is the hero I keep up with via strategy guide. Recently, I "retired" from DotA in favor of more pressing educational and career matters putting me out of commission for well over a year. However, as the summer time came and I found myself with more time on my hands the nostalgia has drawn me back in over the past couple of days.What is the product of this "return" to DotA, you ask?Well, you're reading it.
I decided to leave my old guide closed, and start fresh in the third edition of my Medusa guide. Hopefully you will find it on par, if not a step above the previous versions.I will admit, a bit has changed since last i've played.
Dealing with Medusa specifically, there has been multiple direct and indirect nerfs. Purge was weakened in relation to summons, everytime I check purgable buffs - more and more seem to not be removable (when I distinctly remember purging them off in previous versions), radiance's damage was nerfed, and AEGIS IS NO MORE (which not only nerfs Medusa's late game survivability, but also late game damage potential because you really can't get rapier anymore unless you want to Rosh constantly) just to name a few.
Well, getting right into it, i'm going to tell you flat out that Medusa is not an easy hero to play (contrary to popular belief).
Most of the time when I see Medusa picked the player goes chain + stats along with a bottle and a couple of wraithbands. They then run around the map thinking they are a God-like early game hero killer/ganker and get their asses handed to them resulting in their mid-late game being crippled.
You do not want to be this person.
Medusa can be extremely powerful in the right hands, however.
What hands are these, you ask?You Will Do Well With Medusa If:
You can last hit and deny well.
You have great map-awareness.
You can predict and avoid ganks.
You are not selfish and very team-oriented.
You are patient.
You have stunners on your team.
You should keep these factors in mind before you pick Medusa, and also while playing her. They will play a crucial role in your overall success.
Well , let's start
Description: The Naga princess was named after the legendary gorgon who turned her foes into stone. Though she hasn't developed a stoney glare, her combat skills will freeze even the strongest of fighters in submission. Her years of archery has allowed her to fire multiple arrows with keen accuracy. Manipulation of magic grants her a shield of mana to absorb physical impact. Channeling electrons within the air, she can ignite an electric spark that will jump from foe to foe. Her legendary name is well earned.
Strength: 14 + 1.85
Agility: 20 + 2.5
Intelligence 19 + 2.25
Range: 600
Split Shot
Medusa magically splits her shot into three arrows. These arrows deal a lower percent of her normal damage.
Level 1 - 45% damage
Level 2 - 55% damage
Level 3 - 65% damage
Level 4 - 75% damage
Split shot defines Medusa, and is one of the skills that makes her such a unique ranged agile hero. This skill will be your best friend mid-late game when you are trying to farm up those 'WTF-IMBA?' item combinations to end the game. This is also what makes Medusa valuable to her team in organized games. At level 4, you can have a damage output of 225%. Using split shot in team battles means a lot of heroes are going to get low very quickly, and this can often lead to double and triple kills. That means we need to get cost effective items that will boost your overall damage when using split shot.
What orbs work with split shot?
Skadi/Lifesteal: Only the main arrow with slow/heal
Diffusal/Manta: No. When you have split shot off you will burn mana, but when it is on you will not.
Maelstrom/Mjollnir, Burize/MKB, Sange: When these proc, you will only shoot one arrow.
Desolator: No, not at all. If you get desolator it won't even let you toggle split shot on. Avoid like HIV.
Chain Lightning
Hurls a bolt of damaging lightning at a target enemy that jumps to nearby enemies. Each jump deals less damage.
Level 1 - 75 damage, jumps 3 times.
Level 2 - 150 damage, jumps 5 times.
Level 3 - 225 damage, jumps 7 times.
Level 4 - 300 damage, jumps 9 times.
Low damage and takes away mana that could be used to survive with mana shield, but it is decent to farm and harass heroes with. This skill is situational, i'll explain the "Do's and Don'ts" of chain lighting later on.
Mana Shield
Creates a shield that absorbs 50% of the incoming damage by using Medusa's mana.
Level 1 - .75 damage per point of mana.
Level 2 - 1.25 damage per point of mana.
Level 3 - 1.5 damage per point of mana.
Level 4 - 2 damage per point of mana.
This will be your bread and butter move. Get two points in it by level three and turn it on, this is what makes Medusa such a durable agile hero.Purge
Casts a powerful anti-magic buff at a target enemy unit. Slows movement and attack speeds for 5 seconds.
Level 1 - Slows speed by a factor of 2.
Level 2 - Slows speed by a factor of 3.
Level 3 - Slows speed by a factor of 5.
Deals 1000 damage to summoned units.
Nice, fast cool down slowing skill that goes through BKB/magic immunity, dispels buffs (Ursa's Overpower, Sven's Gods Strength), and destroys summoned units (Pesky illusions!). All in all, a very useful ability. Only get one point in it though, level 1 purge, is just as good as level 3.
Posted by
A d '
5:12 AM
Hero and Skills review,
Type 2 : The Tanking Satan Sladar
Good build if your team lacks a tank, also gives you great activatable powers for tough situations, also use this if its your first time with slardar and u have trouble with surviving.
- A tank's beloved early game item, regardless of the late game items you will get, a bracer is a must.
- You're a melee hero, and bound to get some harassment early game, use one at 50% to avoid getting killed.
Now your starting gold (5v5 game) is all spent. get to yer lane!
- U'll notice how annoying it is to be real slow, probably gonna miss a kill or 2. Get boots of speed on ur 1st trip back to the fountain.
(You can get this before instead of bracer)
-It's called the "Tanker" build eh?
-With no S&Y you need extra speed to make sprint max ms, if you don't care that much about speed then just get treads.The teleport ability only makes you at different places faster, so you have sprint & teleport to be anywhere at anytime.
-No MoM needed now, tank remember?
-[Reason for getting this item]
-The armlet is just great. In the previous build I couldnt incude it as the -30hp/sec would be actually a thing to worry about, but as a tanker with lifesteal it almost matches your regen.-Like Balanar, you are weak at farming massive pushes very fast. (unlike axe, juggernaut, Invoker, and other heroes that have imba aoe spells) So radiance is recommended for farming like hell, you can choose to get it earlier as it really helps farming for the rest of the build with ease. Also a damage item hehe..
-Another heart would be overkill, so just reaver is good to evolve HoD into this beauty.
(Unholy frenzy is IMBA!!)
End items :
Very very nice build, now u're invunerable to creeps and very hard to kill for heros with 4.5k hp WITHOUT activating the armlet which gives an extra 25 strength. Well we're done with the item builds let's head off to strategy.
I didn't want to say this before in the builds as it's common.
Both builds are way too much money to spend, but you should have it, ive done it.. not impossible.
The bracer in each build can be sold off and replaced with a skadi.
(S&Y should be sold for skadi or maybe there's a way to arrange in inventory to just remove maim)
its a good item for boosting everything, and the cold attack makes you un-escapeable,
Or aegis if you're the most important one on your team.
BattleFury is also a good option for the damage and cleave,
Depending on the situation.
(No BattleFury if you have radiance.)
Posted by
A d '
9:03 PM
Heroes Items build and Skill build,
Slardar - The Slithereen Guard
Skill Build for Slardar - The Slithereen Guard:
This Is the items build and Skill build to make your Unstoppable Sladar
Level 1 - Slithereen crush
Level 2 - Sprint
Level 3 - Slithereen crush
Level 4 - Sprint/Bash
Level 5 - Slithereen crush
Level 6 - Amplify Damage
Level 7 - Slithereen crush
Level 8 - Sprint
Level 9 - Bash/Sprint
Level 10 - Sprint
Level 11 - Amplify Damage
Level 12 - Bash
Level 13 - Bash
Level 14 - Bash
Level 15 - Stats
Level 16 - Amplify Damage
Level 17 - Stats
Level 18 - Stats
Level 19 - Stats
Level 20 - Stats
Level 21 - Stats
Level 22 - Stats
Level 23 - Stats
Level 24 - Stats
Level 25 - Stats
This is a straight up balanced build that puts both sprint and bash of use early game, no question that Slithereen crush must be maxed before the others, amplify is gotten at all levels.
Note : You can choose to not get bash points and use all sprint for a frequent early game ganker. You can also choose not to get any sprint points if you wanna lanestay until you farm a couple of items
Items Build :
Type 1 :The Unstoppable
- A tank's beloved early game item, regardless of the late game items you will get, a bracer is a must.- You're a melee hero, and bound to get some harassment early game, use one at 50% to avoid getting killed.
Now your starting gold (5v5 game) is all spent. get to yer lane!- U'll notice how annoying it is to be real slow, probably gonna miss a kill or 2. Get boots of speed on ur 1st trip back to the fountain.
(You can get this before instead of bracer)
-S&Y gives great buffs' it gives IAS, damage and the MS you need to be max ms when sprinting.
-Complete Strength treads.
- Suppose you are chasing Razor... he's not that weak so the chase goes longer, Suddenly venge pops out, BKB bitchez! without it u are either forced to run away or die. Not mentioned in the tank build because you will be able to shake off any damage with all that str.
-Even more IAS! and the armor decrease combined with amplify is -20 armor.
End items :
At this point you should be unstoppable, chasing with no fear of disables or anything, maim ensures getting the kill. There will be no escaping you.
Posted by
A d '
8:26 PM
Heroes Items build and Skill build,
Slardar - The Slithereen Guard