Early Game
Levels 1-5
Laning Furion has the ability to lane solo, so whatever works for you. If you're going Forest Furion, take middle or bottom so that you can leave to creep at 3 or 5. Remember that Sprout lasts 3 seconds at level 1, so it's an extremely strong disable coupled with a nice stun nuke. Laning with a CM or VS, for example, will net you an easy First Blood at level 1 if possible, or at level 3 if that's not possible. Lina also works in this strategy, but because LSA kills your trees, it'll have to be timed fairly well by your ally LSA. Focus on getting last hits and deny when possible.
After getting first blood, Laning Furion should head over to a solo lane if possible. Also remember that Teleporting behind an enemy, and then just sprouting them will be effective in ganking them on top or bottom lane, away from the towers. Doing this with an allied stunner like you did for first blood makes it easy, also.
You sprout, you both auto-attack, when Sprout is almost down, she casts LSA for the kill, followed by a Dragon Slave if needed.
Crystal Maiden
Sprout, auto-attack by both of you, when Sprout is almost down, Frostbite and attack for the kill, Frost Shock if needed.
Vengeful Spirit
Same as above, Sprout, attack, Magic Missile when sprout is over.
At level 3, if you're going Forest, you may head into the... forest and start creeping, but because you're Force Of Nature isn't very strong yet, start with the weaker creeps. I suggest reading MrX's Creep Guide if you're going Forest Furion, as it will explain where the weaker and stronger creeps are on the map, and also which creeps are best to use your HoM on. I suggest playing a bit more passively when laning as Forest Furion, as you won't have the early stats from Circlets/Gauntlets to buffer your health a bit. If you don't feel safe going in at level 3 to creep, and think you'll do better in the lane, stay in the lane until level 5, then begin your neutral creeping.
Levels 6-9
Continue ganking/assisting your team as Laning Furion, or creeping as Forest Furion. Throughout this part of the game, you'll usually just gank as Laning and farm/assist with Forest Furion. As Forest Furion, once you have farmed up your HoM, you'll farm much, much faster, and your Force Of Nature will be max level at level 7, meaning that you'll blow through neutrals extremely quickly. Whenever Wrath is off cooldown and you have the mana to afford it, cast it on some neutrals, or just run into a lane with an enemy hero and cast it on the creeps there to harass the enemy heroes effectively.
If you get HoM, go for Centaur Khan and those Polar Furbolg neutral creeps first, they average around 230 gold for transmuting them, as MrX's guide already told you if you read it like I told you to.
Mid Game
Levels 10-12
GOGO GANK MACHINE. Maybe. If you've farmed up your Eul's by this point, which hopefully you have, you'll be an extremely strong and frightening presence on the map. Remember that if you're having troubles with health and mana in the Forest build, buying a vitality booster at this time in the game for your Heart later isn't a bad idea. Remember that at this point (after your Eul's), it's more important to assist your team in ganks then sit in the forest and farm. Farm all you want, but if you see a gank or team battle going on, teleport up to it to assist in the fighting, because you are quite a strong force with your Eul's at this point, considering that you have two disables to aid the team, and more damage. Remember that you have HoM, and use it when needed.
Levels 13-16
Rawr. At level 16 you'll finish up your ultimate. At this point in the game, Forest Furion should stop spending so much time in the forest, and start pushing and ganking a lot more. You may also wanna work with your team at doing a Rosh or something, as your high damage/DPS will make it fairly easy if you go with a tank. Start checking runes out a lot also, a Furion with a DD rune is a fearsome sight. From this point on in the game, you're mostly just ganking and assisting with pushes, and farming when you have the time.
Late Game
You have Eul's/Guin's, you have your Diffusal/Manta, maybe even have your Heart. Gogo kill machine. You're an extremely powerful force on the map, and all fear you. Play strong, go with team members that have disables if you're having trouble against certain enemy heroes, and remember that you're still the strongest pushing force on the map besides maybe Phantom Lancer because you can hop all around the map at will to push lane after lane.
Posted by
A d '
3:07 AM
Furion - The Prophet,
Game Strategy
General Concept
The general concept of the laning build is giving yourself enough health via Bracers to stay alive, and rush your Eul's for damage and a disable to help you stay alive. You get Treads because you have to get Bracers to lane effectively, and probably won't be able to farm up HoM fast enough because of this fact. Please note that this build is extremely open. If you use all your Eul's charges early, Guinsoo is okay to rush up, instead of going Manta first. You shouldn't make Manta until you use all your Diffusal charges, so if you have a lot of money, go ahead and grab your Mess. Reaver or Guin's, unless you really want/need the manta. This build is extremely open because after your Eul's, you essentially have three choices. Guinsoo, Heart, or Manta. Manta will give you extreme ganking and hero-killing power, and can also be used for pushing. Guinsoo will give you a massively strong, spammable disable and lots of damage and intelligence. Heart, while you won't have the damage output of the other two items if you get it first, you won't die easily. Because of the extremely strong farming potential of Furion, getting a Manta/Guinsoo and Heart in a normal guide isn't out of the question.
The general concept of the Forest build is giving yourself enough mana regen to spam Force Of Nature early to creep with, and HoM is taken for even more farming goodness. A quick rush to Eul's, and you'll be the most powerful force on the map early to mid game because you'll be the most farmed up and levelled the most. After the Eul's you may want to take an optional health item, the vitality booster for the Heart later, because you will have fairly low health because we skipped bracers earlier on to get HoM. Also, the early mantles are taken for +9 damage and more mana. They can be sold when you need more inventory space, but keep them as long as you can, +3 intell never really becomes completely useless. RoB gives your treants armor, that's good I guess.
Skadi is okay. It's a fairly decent item on Furion, and strong also, I just dislike that you don't get the full benefits until 7050 gold later, and that in the end, you're still not as strong as say, the manta build.
Aghanim's is okay, I guess. Some people really like it on Furion, some people really hate it. I'm undecided. A good thing about Aghy's is when you cast Wrath, you'll get quite a bit of gold from the Wrath hoping around the map killing creeps and the like.
Necromonicon is okay. A lot of other Furion guides and players recommend it, but at the moment, I'm still fairly neutral on it, probably because my micro sucks anyway. Furion has high stats anyway, so it's a good rush for him, and he farms pretty well.
Items Not To Get
Stygian Desolater is bad. It's a pubstomp item. I have realized this after testing.
Posted by
A d '
3:02 AM
Furion - The Prophet
Build your Furion wisely
Skill List
General/Lane Furion
Level 1- Sprout
Level 2- Teleport
Level 3- Stats
Level 4- Stats
Level 5- Stats
Level 6- Wrath Of Nature
Level 7- Teleport
Level 8- Teleport
Level 9- Teleport
Level 10- Stats
Level 11- Wrath Of Nature
Level 12- Stats
Level 13- Stats
Level 14- Stats
Level 15- Stats
Level 16- Wrath Of Nature
Level 17- Sprout
Level 18 - Sprout
Level 19 - Sprout
Level 20-25 - Stats/Force Of Nature
Forest Furion
Level 1- Sprout
Level 2- Force Of Nature
Level 3- Force Of Nature
Level 4- Teleport
Level 5- Force Of Nature
Level 6- Wrath Of Nature
Level 7- Force Of Nature
Level 8- Teleport
Level 9- Teleport
Level 10- Teleport
Level 11- Wrath Of Nature
Level 12- Stats
Level 13- Stats
Level 14- Stats
Level 15- Stats
Level 16- Wrath Of Nature
Level 17- Sprout
Level 18 - Sprout
Level 19 - Sprout
Level 20-25 - Stats
Skill Explanation
The first build is taken for a general, all-purpose Furion that pushes well solo with strong stats and Teleport to lane-hop quickly. Sprout's mana cost is absolutely huge at higher levels of the skill, so we skip getting it really early because you won't be able to handle the mana cost. Stats are taken in place of it because Furion has generally low health at first, and the improved last-hitting will help you farm up more quickly. Teleport is taken 7-9 so you can start hopping around the map much faster to aid in ganks and pushing. Sprout is finished up at 12-14 because at this point you'll have more mana to be able to afford using it.
The Forest Furion is just my guess at what you would take to effectively creep as Furion. One level of sprout is taken to make escapes and help your team if you're near their lane. Remember that just because you're creeping doesn't mean that you can't aid your team in battles. Otherwise, we leave Sprout alone until later levels because the higher mana costs make it hard to spam with your mana pool until you get Eul's, considering that you have to use your other spells as well (Force and Wrath Of Nature). Also remember that you'll have low health because of no bracers in the build, so the Stats really help at this point in the game. Taking more levels of Sprout at 12-14 is acceptable if you want to, but it's a big mana hog.
Lane Item Build
• Two circlets, tangoes
• Boots, Gauntlets
• Treads
• Bracer Recipes
• Void Stone
• Eul's
• Optional: Vitality Booster
• Diffusal Blade
• Guinsoo's
• Manta (when purge charges are out)
• Heart OR Skadi
Forest Build:
• 2-3 Mantles, 2-3 Clarities
• Boots, Ring Of Basilius
• Optional: Midas
• Treads
• Eul's
• Vitality Booster
• Diffusal
• Guinsoo's
• Manta (when purge charges are out)
• Heart OR Skadi
Item Explanations
Eul's is an extremely strong disable item that gives you more mana, which you need, more damage, which is nice, and great mana regen, which you need. It's an all-around useful item. Diffusal gives you an amazing chasing mechanism that synergizes with ally melee heroes for ganks as well. Heart is taken because you'll need the health at this point in the game, and Guin's is finished up because you'll be out of cyclones by this time, and it gives a lot of intell and damage. Diffusal is also great because it counters Warlock, which is used in higher level play quite a bit (or used to be).
Posted by
A d '
2:59 AM
Furion - The Prophet,
Heroes Items build and Skill build
Furion, The Prophet
Furion is pro hero
Strength: 17 + 1.8
Agility: 21 + 1.5
Intelligence: 15 + 2.9
Furion's stat gain is okay, I guess.
Skill descriptionsSprout
Sprouts a ring of trees around an enemy unit, trapping it in place.
Extremely strong ability, definitely one of the most powerful trap spells. Enemies can still cast spells while in it, pudge's hook goes through it, and it can be blinked out of. Also, using a tango on the corner tree will give the person inside a way out.
Level 1 - Lasts for 3 seconds. 115 mana, 11 sec cooldown.
Level 2 - Lasts for 3.75 seconds. 140 mana, 11 sec cooldown.
Level 3 - Lasts for 4.5 seconds. 165 mana, 11 sec cooldown.
Level 4 - Lasts for 5.25 seconds. 205 mana, 11 sec cooldown.Teleportation
Teleports to any explored point on the map.
This an absolutely amazing ability, and is what makes Furion so good at pushing, aiding ganks, etc. He has the ability to go anywhere on the map that he or one of his allies has explored. This is used in ganking, pushing, farming, and escaping for Furion. It's a short channel when you cast it, also, so take note of that.
Level 1: 50 mana, 60 sec cooldown.
Level 2: 45 mana, 50 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 40 mana, 40 sec cooldown.
Level 4: 35 mana, 30 sec cooldown.
Force Of Nature
Converts an area of trees into Treants. Treants have 550 hit points and deal 21-23 damage.
Some people like this, some people don't. It's effective for a forest Furion. I'm still not sure if he receives experience from their kills, even if he's not in the general area, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't. Still, this gives you free tanks and makes forest creeping extremely easy.
Level 1 - Raises 2 Treants for 60 seconds. 160 mana, 37 sec cooldown.
Level 2 - Raises 3 Treants for 60 seconds. 160 mana, 37 sec cooldown.
Level 3 - Raises 4 Treants for 60 seconds. 160 mana, 37 sec cooldown.
Level 4 - Raises 5 Treants for 60 seconds. 160 mana, 37 sec cooldown.Wrath of Nature
Summons damaging energy to swath around the map and damage random enemies. Each enemy hit beyond the first adds 7% damage.
This ability is kinda meh-ish. It's strong because it hits all over the map, but is kinda random, and not as strong as say, Zeus's ultimate. It's damage is also fairly low, but improves over time. If you're casting it on a hero in your lane, cast it on the creeps first, so it bounces through all the creeps to increase damage and then hit them.
Level 1 - Deals 140 base damage. 200 mana, 90 sec cooldown.
Level 2 - Deals 180 base damage, hits a few extra targets. 380 mana, 60 sec cooldown.
Level 3 - Deals 225 base damage. 610 mana, 60 sec cooldown.
Posted by
A d '
2:53 AM
Furion - The Prophet,
Hero and Skills review
Gameplay Strategy: Early, Mid and Late Game
Early Game
Leoric, Skeleton King
Levels 1-5
Grab your starting items, head to a lane with an ally ganker, preferably a stunner. Your two-second stun is a great skill to combo with another ally for an easy first blood, either at level 1 or 3. You're not a very strong harasser either, so an allied nuker is recommended. Harass with Bolt when you get your Bottle, and remember to buy obs. wards to watch the runes, and at level 5-ish you can start ganking, but I would recommend waiting until level 7.
Strong melee ally that can make use of your Vamp Aura, and can combo LVL Death and Storm Bolt spam with you. A quick Doom, and you can both run up and bash on the enemy hero without fear of disables.
Strong ally for the extra stun, strong nuke, and chasing abilities. Your two stuns together are immensely powerful, and you can lead with your stun, she can stun from a distance, and then leap in and Starfall, and then you both beat on the enemy if it's still alive (doubtful).
A strong melee that can make use of your Vamp Aura that is also a survival powerhouse and tank. You two together are a pretty unstoppable force, as both your ultimates are second chances, and you both have decent nukes. His Frostmourne slow is also powerful because you don't have a slow skill of your own for fast enemy heroes, so you both get more whacks in with Frostmourne.
Remember to just play fairly safely and farm up early. You're gonna need your Bottle before you start ganking. I suggest reading
Levels 6-9
Start ganking now. Bottle is awesome for mana regen and health regen in between ganks, and remember to keep your obs. wards up to watch the runes, and whore them up. Gank with allies, like the one listed in the previous section, as they're pretty ownage when coupled with you. Any stunner is actually pretty godlike with you, so find a stunner and gank. If you're having troubles ganking, just farm up. Not much to really say. When ganking, just storm bolt, run up, whack on them a few times, and chase them, storm-bolting when the cooldown is off.
Mid Game
Levels 10-12
Hopefully by this time you'll have Hyperstone, but if not, that's fine. Keep ganking/farming, but try to get your Hyperstone soon if you don't have it. It's pretty useful. Once you get it, you can blow through creep waves and neutrals fairly quickly, so farming up your Cuirass shouldn't take too long. Support your team in pushes as well.
Levels 13-16
By now you should have at least BoT, and hopefully AC. From here, you need to make choice between tanking and straight damage dealing while being a semi-tank. If you're going tank, get Heart, Hood if you want it, and then maybe Manta. If you're going DPS, go MKB or Stygian.
Late Game
At this point you're a strong damage dealer and a good tank, and this is the part of the game where you should make use of this. Push hard, help gank with the enemy team, solo Roshan (you're extremely good at it with your high HP, fast attack, and Vamp Aura), and remember to keep your Obs. Wards up and watch the runes. DD runes are MASSIVELY amazing on this hero late-game, as he can have a two-second stun (longer if you're with teammates that have stuns/disables) to hit the enemy with 2.75 crits and heal 25% of all damage he deals. It's amazing. Haste and Invisibility are also strong runes with this hero.
Posted by
A d '
2:50 AM
Game Strategy,
Leoric - Skeleton King
Leoric, Skeleton King
For the skill itself you can see on the Leoric Skill Reviews
Skill List
Level 1- Storm Bolt
Level 2- Stats
Level 3- Bolt
Level 4- Stats
Level 5- Bolt
Level 6- Reincarnation
Level 7- Bolt
Level 8- Critical Strike
Level 9- Critical Strike
Level 10- Critical Strike
Level 11- Critical Strike
Level 12- Vamp Aura
Level 13- Vamp Aura
Level 14- Vamp Aura
Level 15- Vamp Aura
Level 16- Reincarnation
Level 17- Reincarnation
Level 18 - Stats
Level 19 - Stats
Level 20-25 - Stats
Skill Explanation
This build is taken pretty obviously. Early Storm Bolt and stats for ganks with your team and better lane control/survivability. Reincarnation at 6, but not taken until 15/16 because the mana cost is too high earlier and isn't really needed as much. If you're finding you're really needing the lower cooldown, you can take it earlier then 15/16. Crit taken before Vamp.
Tank Item Build
• Two circlets, tangoes OR RoR, Circlet if going Hood
• Boots, Bottle
• Two Gauntlets, two bracer recipes
• Hyperstone
• BoT
• Assault Cuirass
• Optional: Hood
• Heart OR Radiance
Items Bought Throughout the Game:
• Observer Wards (For watching runes)
Damage Build:
• Two circlets, tangoes OR RoR, Circlet if going Hood
• Boots, Bottle
• Two Gauntlets, Treads
• Two bracer recipes
• Sacred Relic
• Radiance
• Heart OR MKB
Item Explanations
Bottle is for rune-whoring, this hero is exceptionally strong when comboed with a haste, invisibility, or DD rune, and the Bottle itself will give you practically permanent staying status in your lane, and some good mana regen between ganks and storm bolts. Hyperstone is taken to make use of Vamp Aura and Critical Strike, BoT next for movespeed and farming, Assault Cuirass to use the Hyperstone, help yourself and your team. Heart taken if you wanna be a huge tank, MKB for more damage oriented. Hood taken if lots of intell heroes on the enemy team, and if you wanna be more tank centered. Obs. Wards taken to watch runes.
General Concept
This build is to make sure that you're your most useful early on with some bracers for health, mana, and a bit more attack power, and Bottle so you can rune-whore and have regen in between bolts and have more lane-power. Bottle will make your ganking more effective, and because your Vamp Aura and Storm Bolt synergize with almost every melee hero in the game, you're a good ganker.
Stygian Desolater instead of MKB is okay if you want more -armor against the enemy team.
Satanic is okay, the new one is pretty nice, it's just not my favorite item.
Radiance is a strong item on this hero, get it if no one else on your team is, get it in place of Cuirass, but still get the Hyperstone.
Items Not To Get
Dagon, Basher, Refresher are all bad items for this hero. Basher seems okay, but it's so expensive and your problems can be solved with just a little teamwork and getting one of your teammates to help disable, rather then just get a basher. Dagon is just not effective with this hero, he doesn't have the mana or the need for it. Refresher is dumb, he doesn't have the mana for it, and why refresh Reincarnation? It has a somewhat low cooldown for how powerful it is, just don't be stupid.
Posted by
A d '
2:42 AM
Heroes Items build and Skill build,
Leoric - Skeleton King
Leoric, Skeleton King
Skeleton King didn't have a guide, and he's fun and easy to play, so I decided to write him a guide. This is an awesome hero if you're a new player, and is a good hero to learn DotA with.
Range: 128 (melee) Move Speed: 300
Str: 22 + 2.9 Agi: 18 + 1.7 Int: 13 + 1.6
Damage: 54 – 56 HP: 568 Mana: 169
HP Regen: 0.91 Mana Regen: 0.53
Attack Speed: 1.39 Armor: 3
Skill descriptions
Storm Bolt
A magical hammer is thrown at an enemy unit, causing damage and stunning the target for 2 seconds.
2 second stun, decent damage, and the cooldown is low enough that it's a good initiator and can then be used for chasing.
Level 1 - 100 damage.
Level 2 - 150 damage.
Level 3 - 200 damage.
Level 4 - 250 damage.
Mana Cost: 140
Cooldown: 8
Vampiric Aura
Allied melee units within 600 AoE gain hit points when they hit enemy units.
This aura applies to yourself as well. It's one of the skills that makes Skele King so powerful, and useful to his team.
Level 1 - Gains 5% of attack damage.
Level 2 - Gains 10% of attack damage.
Level 3 - Gains 15% of attack damage.
Level 4 - Gains 20% of attack damage.
Critical Strike
Gives 15% chance to do more damage on an attack.
Critical Strike is absolutely amazing coupled with your Vampiric Aura. With damage items, critting will result in you getting massive amounts of health regenerated.
Level 1 - 1.25 times normal damage.
Level 2 - 1.75 times normal damage.
Level 3 - 2.25 times normal damage.
Level 4 - 2.75 times normal damage.
When killed, this hero will come back to life at the cost some mana.
Skeleton cannot reincarnate if he is silenced, therefore Doom, SA's Smoke Screen, Bloodseeker's silence, Death Prophet's silence, Drow Ranger's silence, etc. stop this ultimate from activating.
Level 1 - 300 second cooldown. 100 mana.
Level 2 - 240 second cooldown. 150 mana.
Level 3 - 190 second cooldown. 200 mana.
Posted by
A d '
12:41 AM
Hero and Skills review,
Leoric - Skeleton King
Skill & Item Build
Skill Build A
1. Time Walk
2. Time Lock
3. Backtrack/Time Walk
4. Time Lock
5. Time Lock
6. Chrono
7. Time Lock
8. Time Walk/Backtrack
9. Backtrack
10. Backtrack
11. Chrono
12. Backtrack
13. Time Walk
14. Time Walk
Skill Build B
1. Time Walk
2. Backtrack
3. Time Lock/Time Walk
4. Backtrack
5. Backtrack
6. Chrono
7. Backtrack
8. Time Walk/Time Lock
9. Time Lock
10. Time Lock
11. Chrono
12. Time Lock
13. Time Walk
14. Time Walk
We get one level of time walk, since better players will normally nuke the hell out of faceless. With this we can get to safety if that happens. You can get another lvl of TW on lvl 4 or 3, if you think it's necessary. Level 1 range is half of a blink, while lvl 2 is almost the same. Blink has a maximum range of 1000. Having time walk doesn't mean you shouldn't be cautious!
Skill build A:
This is the standard offensive build. With a fast mom and boots we can own in 1v1 situations thanks to time lock. We get one level of backtrack just in case. It's better than stats. We can switch it to have a level 2 TW if level 1 isn't strong enough to survive!
Skill build B:
Backtrack is the first optional skill which is maxed after TW (Backtrack won't work against: sunder and nightmare and cannot be disabled). This skill helps a lot with early game. Bash is needed in case your teamates gank the lane you are currently farming. Also 10% bash helps a lot with neutral creeping thanks to the 60 damage and 2 sec (1 sec on heroes 0,5 sec on roshan) stun it gives. One level of stat isn't needed!
Posted by
A d '
12:05 AM
Dark terror - Faceless void,
Heroes Items build and Skill build
Mask of Madness:
The buff lasts 12 secs for 25 mana it has a CD of 30 sec. You will receive 20% extra damage when berserk is on. You will gain 75% IAS and 15% MS. This buff cannot be removed by purge (small satyr, diffu, or naga), or by magic immunity (BKB, repel)! Lifesteal is an orb effect that will override any other orb on faceless. It has top priority. The amount of life you steal depends on physical damage and it will increase if you get a critical. You cannot steal life from illusions.
Note that butterfly has been recently buffed. At the moment it gives 30 AGI 30 IAS and 30% of evasion. Evasion and Backtrack stacks with diminishing returns which mean when you are attacked there's 47,5% chance that you won't receive damage. Doom or hex will disable evasion!
Gives 20% chance to deal 2.2* of your normal damage. Critical is phisical damage so it incrieases the amount of lifesteal you recieve. When attacking a unit that has blade mails you won't recieve extra damage, if you hit him with a critical strike. Criticals stack with diminishing returns just like backtrack and evasion in case you have two items or skills that gives the abbility. When both criticals occure on the same attack you will only get one of them, but both will be shown as red numbers in the game.
Item Build
This is my standard build I've been using for a year now. Wraiths, mom, treads were very unusual back than. Times have changed, but this guide is still the same. The concept is pretty obvious. Since faceless is a bad farmer we get cheap and effective items. Going for big ones is too risky. Of course not any chep item will be qualified as good. As a bashing hero faceless needs IAS>MS>HP>DAMAGE.
Faceless concentrates more on 1v1 and has to find a way to separate a hero from the enemy team so he can own it with bash. That's where chrono and our temammates will help. Never forget that bash deals extra damage so IAS isn't just for the stun effect, but to kill faster. In 1v1 we need IAS to dissable the enemy. Secondly we need MS so the opponent won't run away (or if he does we can still catch it).
We don't need max MS just more than the enemy has since bashed targets won't move. Still a target that is faster than faceless cannot be bashed. Also faceless is an AGI hero so he lacks hp, and even the most carefull player will be nuked by the enemy. (especially if the enemy is someone named zeus). We have to survive the first wawe of nukes and own the enemy while their spells are on CD. Even though the importance of HP and Damage are low we will start with wraiths since it incrieases our lane management abbilities. Boots is needed for obvious reasons. After that we get mom since it's a core item and farming up 2000 gold without mom will be much more difficult later. With Frenzy and boots we will be much more faster than any hero that time can be. After that we complete treads since it's to good for 1000 gold and doesn't wastes item slots (like hyper). The main item is butterfly. I can't imagine any situation where this item isn't the best choice for faceless. It gives all the things faceless needs (except MS): IAS, damage and EHP (evasion, armor). Of course evasion and armor won't work against nukes so the next item will be heart. If nukes aren't difficult to handle (our team is filled with dissable, or the enemy has few strong nukers), than we should go for pure damage. In short: get buriza than!
Used Items
Yes, yes ror is great, but not enough to survive. Tangoos regenerate faster and can be used for other purposes. Like destroyng eyes of the forest or eating yourself out of sprout. It can be used in curtain neutral creep camps to spwan more neutrals.
You won't time lock anyone if you don't have the proper IAS to do it! Agility is very effective on this hero, while the difference in hp between the amount bracer and wraith gives, isn't really needed! You could say that hp is better since I get mom, but the thing is faceless normally doesn't have the luxury to use it! Even if he manages to survive with frenzy, that won't be beacuse the incrieased hp from barcers. Faceless lacks offensive power and not deffensive!
Do (real)pro players get MoM ? Yes they do! Check out the replay between MyM and SK located at the bottom of this guide. Why do they get it? Let me explain: Void is a bad farmer, and MoM is the cheapest possible IAS for him. 75% IAS for 1950 even beats treads! Time Walk costs too much mana (unlike blink), and slow doesn't lasts long enugh for you to bash effectively. With frenzy & treads you are faster than any other hero with BoT (except Chaos Knight). Also chronosphere costs a lot of mana, that we cannot spend for TW. The lifesteal is good for lane control. Void can regain its hp by killing neutrals. What about the extra damage ? Okay there's a very easy tactic to avoid the extra damage: don't activate mom! WTF? Yes no extra IAS and MS that way. There are a lot of situational spells in Dota, that are really good dispite being situational. Double Edge or LVL? Death and the list can continue forever. Use it when it doesn't means instant death, and you on the other hand can get the kill. Faceless void's all four abbilities support the avoidance of the extra damage: time walk to escape, backtrack to avoid the damage, time lock since disabled target cannot hurt you and chrono for the same reason.
Get treads later, if you can complete butter fast! Ok I understand, that BoT beats this item. Yes it does, but due to the need of other items the number of games you will get BoT is around zero. Sometimes you cannot use mom. For example when the enemy attacks in larger groups, or when chrono is on CD. If the attack is broken you can use mom to chase, but what happens till then? You get your ass kicked because you don't have the IAS to bash? Or you run away ? Let's pretend that you bought one of the components of butterfly instead of treads. Eaglehorn costs triple but gives 10% less IAS while quarterstaff costs the same but gives 25% less. You can stick to boots hoping that one day you will have the oppurtunity to upgrade it to BoT, but I will stick to treads. MoM has been buffed recently. I advise to go for the AGI, though switching to INT or STR before a large battle is reasonable. Have more HP when you have to tank, or mana if you need some to cast chrono/time walk.
Butterfly is the best item for faceless. It gives IAS, damage and survability since backtrack stacks with evasion (47,5%). With frenzy, treads and butterfly our IAS will be enough to own anyone in 1v1. Also the 60 damage it gives helps a lot under chrono. Some people prefer radiance instead of this item. I think they make the wrong decission. Radiance is a very good item, but there are a lot of reason why you shouldn't get it on void. First of all farming 3800 gold is risky and slow for void. Radiance gets weaker with every minute of the game. It gives no survability (7% evasion), and no IAS!
You can get the vita booster any time of the game, if needed (lina/lion) What is more imba than 47% evasion and 2000 hp? 47% evasion and 3000 hp! Which means only about every second hit will damage us. 3000 hp with evasion is the same as 6000 hp. Like a big fat butcher with lots of IAS, life steal, and permabash. Nukes become weak late game too. Heart is the most effective item for us to become the ultimate hero of the game. We have the time to kill enemies due to 'permabash', and the only thing we should fear is dieing before that time ends. Think about a bristleback that has chrono, tw lifesteal and permabash and doesn't have to turn its tail on you. Imba isn't it? After heart I suggest you go for buriza!
Heart will make faceless the best tanking hero of the game, but in case we alredy have a tank like Axe or Bristleback we should concentrate on damage. As long as you can use chrono effectively team battles will start from 4v5 or 3v5 from this point on, since noone can stand long against the damage of frenzy+treads+butter+buriza+time_lock. Remeber that you get double the amaount of lifesteal when you hit a critical strike! After buriza the game should have ended, but in case the enemy can still hold you back with mass dissabling spells you should get a BKB, so your strong damage potential won't go to waste.
Situational Items
If we wan't to stay in the lane long, we will need some kind of regeneration. It's cheap and effective. Our main goal is to stay in our lane as much as possible, and farm as much as possible. We need XP to get stronger chronos and money since faceless is item dependant.
You should buy it, if you manage to farm it in 12 minutes. I have my doubts doing that with the game's worst farmer, but that's just me. Remeber that going for midas first means getting mom second. Midas is a great item, but it delays the build even if it buys itself back!
This item is needed! Unless we want to loose thanks to BD we will have to buy it. Always have one after you completed the base (mom+treads) item build. For defense purposes this item is better than travel since it gives 99999 armor to the tower where you land. When all item slots are filled sacrifice one of your items (or drop it at the fountain) so that you can have another scroll. If you still have one of the first towers you may use it for push. Remember blink (time walk in this case) in the forest and use tp scrolls to escape is great way to survive ganks.
Gives 10 seconds of pawnage. This item would solve most of voids problems. It is up to the situation whether we should get it or not. If you don't feed and become imba you won't need it. If you feed you won't have the money for it. That's how I see it. I recomend to get it against chain stuners (disablers) like tauren or Rhasta!
One of the best items of the game. The teleport is perfect for farming and for BD. It helps a lot. With frenzy on you will have godlike move speed. Since you have Bash, TW and Chrono you won't really need the MS, but it's still nice to be faster than any other hero. The only problem with this item is it's cost and that it takes away the free slot for treads. For early game it's better to have treads. You have more benifits from the IAS boost since you have a passive BASH. Later you may buy a travel and sell treads, but keeping both footware in your inventory is a good choice too.
Rejected Items
This item seems to be a winner, but it's not! All heroes can carry with radiance, but 99% of them can get it faster than void. Question one: is radiance an item that can be delayed? Ok maybe we get it in time. In that case let's compare it to butterfly. Butterfly gives damage IAS and survability while radiance only damage. Question number two: Did we pick void for its insane permabash and bactrack abbility, or to have a good carry for radiance? Yes, yes, but with radiance you can farm better! Void is a bad farmer so he needs it (interesting thing to say after 5K gold). With lots of IAS you will have all the last hits when creeps collide. Question number three: can you kill more creeps than all of them? With one butterfly and any kinf of lifesteal you can kill Roshan without loosing hp. Question number four: Can you do that with radiance? No you can't and that shows how much stronger butterfly is compared to radiance.
Among damage items it is the weakest and cheapest. Since we alredy have time lock the ministun effect isn't needed. It's not a bad item, but butterfly and buriza beats it. Butterfly because of evasion and IAS. Buriza because critical damage is phisical and it incrieases lifesteal. Ministun (like bash) is magical damage so no extra lifesteal is granted.
Images won't get stuck in Chronosphere, which is good. The fact that they trigger fake bash makes this item to be used only during chrono's on. Melee bash cannot be blocked except for this method, and the units that make fake bash are illus (spotting the real hero is easy). You would rely on an ulti with one of the longest CD. Not good, and the orb effect suggests not to get MoM. Illus won't get backtrack, only the evasion from butter. Still this item is as good on void as on any other AGI hero (since other AGI heroes don't have bash, and you won't have it either if you buy it)!
Another item with an orb effect. Maim is totally useless thanks to our bash, and time walk ability. Frenzy gives 5% more MS, and because we have TW we can catch heroes even after it is over. Stats and damage is nice, but there are better items for same price. 5500 gold = heart !
The following word will represent my opinion on this items, when it is bought in order to increase the chance of bash produced by faceless:
If you don't agree, than first: Think about the fact that none of the faceless void guides support it. Second: 2 bashers on magina gives a total of 27% chance while voids passive gives 25%. Third: the bonus damage is magical that doesn't synergies with anything. Four: perfect permabash is a lame idea that owns only in some pubs. There are at least 10 more reasons I could think of right now, but I don't think it is necessary to write it all down.
Dream Build
Posted by
A d '
12:08 AM
Dark terror - Faceless void,
Heroes Items build and Skill build
Hero Analysis
I write this section because many people get the wrong idea about faceless. In short words: darkterror is a melee agility natural basher hero with a range of 128, and a blink ability. He also has a mass disable spell once in 2 minutes after level 6. The fact that he is an AGI hero with natural bash makes him the best hero for permastun. Every point of AGI has multiple effects towards damage, since it makes the bash occur faster. He has the time-walk ability so he can bash anyone, and position chrono perfectly.
Faceless becomes truly imbalanced after midgame due to his passive abilities. Similar, but stronger than Naix, since he rapes naix easily. And like naix he has an extremely hard early game. He has no nuke, no ranged damage or healing ability. His passives are hardly effective on this level and TW doesn't give any damage either. This isn't a problem if you play pubs, and won't be a problem in most IH-s, but when you face a fully cooperative team, you will mostly beg for boots in the end.
In Cal or in Clan wars you will get raped before you get your first item. Soloing is impossible, and the hero you team up with will have a hard time too since faceless will be a burden on him. For example: faceless teams up with lich, and goes against a tinker lina combo. The first time faceless tries to give a last hit he receives a stun, a laser, a rocket and 4 hits. That's more than enough to kill a hero with low base hp. If you cannot be any help for your team early game at least don't feed the enemy! With a little xp you can farm neutrals to get your first items, and also you can farm on empty lanes for a while. Faceless doesn't need many items to become imba. He only needs the time to get the few important ones.
Thanks to our annoying permastun, and to the 5 second disable, along with the fact that we fight melee range, we will get the most concentrated fire. Even combos like CM+avatar or Enigma+avatar won't work against faceless, because both his ulti, and melee bash works against magic immune units. Yes you can't bash Engima since black hole sucks you in, but chrono still works against it! The enemy will disable us as fast as possible since they know we have time walk to escape. Stun, guinsoo, stun etc., and we will die if we concentrated on just damage items. Of course if we place our chrono properly we will rock with high dps, but what about the time when chrono is on CD? And what about our teammates? Our team benefits from chrono the same way as we do!
Time Walk:
• Level 1: 120 mana, 13 cooldown, 700 cast range, 300 AoE, 10% slow.
• Level 2: 120 mana, 13 cooldown, 900 cast range, 300 AoE, 20% slow.
• Level 3: 120 mana, 13 cooldown, 1100 cast range, 300 AoE, 30% slow.
• Level 4: 120 mana, 13 cooldown, 1300 cast range, 300 AoE, 40% slow.
It has a short casting time when void raises his hands. When you travel you become invulnerable so you won't take damage and cannot be targeted. It won't remove rupture. Although the effect remains while you travel you won't be damaged at all. This skill is similar to morphling's waveform, but you won't loose the control of the hero when you use it. When TW is finished there's a small period when you cannot issue commands to faceless! Since you don't have channeling spells just repeat the same command until void moves again. TW can be used under some spells like: ensnare/bite and those that are similar to these two.
• Level 1: 10% chance.
• Level 2: 15% chance.
• Level 3: 20% chance.
• Level 4: 25% chance.
Whenever faceless receives damage (if the damage is above 6) there's a chance that this skill will trigger and that it will heal void back. It works against all types of damage except: sunder. This skill won't evade stuns even if the damage is backtracked! Silence and Doom and hex won't disable this skill! Actually nothing can. Bactrack is one of the most relaiable skills of dota! A disabled skill (most passives can be disabled) has a chane of 0% to work while BT 25% from level 7 till the end of the game.
Time Lock:
• Level 1: 10% chance per attack. 40 damage.
• Level 2: 15% chance per attack, 50 damage.
• Level 3: 20% chance per attack, 60 damage.
• Level 4: 25% chance per attack, 70 damage.
It is the same as melee bash. The damage it deals is magical and avatar can block it, but the stun effect will work even if it doesn't deal damage. The effect lasts twice as long on creeps and half on Roshan. Since the damage is magical you won't get return damage when it triggers (except your base damage). Doom disables this skill and any other basher in your inventory.
• Level 1: 3 Seconds, 150 mana, 165 cooldown, 500 cast range, 425 AoE.
• Level 2: 4 Seconds, 175 mana, 165 cooldown, 550 cast range, 425 AoE.
• Level 3: 5 Seconds, 200 mana, 165 cooldown, 600 cast range, 425 AoE.
This spell has a 0.5 casting time and there's another little pause before it will stop the units. This spell only stops units and will never stop spells. Of course it will stop channeling since it is the same as a long duration stun. Avatar won't work against this either. This skill won't stop: omnislash, wards and spirits (like Exorcism) after they've been casted.
Posted by
A d '
11:50 PM
Dark terror - Faceless void,
Hero and Skills review
Skill Order
1. Firestorm
2. Pit of Malice
3. Firestorm
4. Pit of Malice
5. Firestorm
6. Pit of Malice OR Dark Rift
7. Firestorm
8. Pit of Malice
9. Dark Rift OR Pit of Malice
10. Stats
11. Dark Rift
12-15. Stats
16. Dark Rift
17-20. Expulsion
21-25. Stats
Skill Order Explanation
Firestorm is maxed first since it is your main farming tool. Pit of Malice is also quickly maxed, to protect you from ganks and to assist your lane partner in scoring some early-game kills. If you're solo or jungling, take Dark Rift at level 6 instead of Pit of Malice, since you're alone and much more vulnerable to ganks. Otherwise, Dark Rift can wait until level 9.
After Firestorm and Pit are maxed, 5 levels of stats are taken. These help you tank, and give you enough mana to spam away comfortably with Firestorm. Expulsion is held off until late game because it's basically only good for adding damage during large team confrontations.
Item Order
Animal Courier
Magical Bottle
Flying Courier
Boots of Speed
Void Stone
Boots of Travel (always carry a Scroll of TP until you get this)
Heart of Tarrasque
Shiva's Guard (sell Void Stone when you almost have enough gold for Mystic Staff)
Assault Cuirass
This is the item build which I've refined over numerous games through experience. It should work for you regardless of your lane choice.Animal Courier -> Flying Courier
Like wards and Scrolls of TP, Animal Courier is one of the little things that separates the noobs from the decent players. Early game, couriers can help you stay in your lane by bringing you healing and mana regen items. They're also very useful late game, since they let you buy items the second you have the necessary gold, instead of having to wait until you physically return to the shop (which risks dying and losing your money). In games with trusted allies, share control so that your whole team can have these benefits.
You'll need to upgrade your courier into a Flying Courier in order to get the most value out of the Bottle. Regular couriers are not just slower, but also lack the survivability and flexibility of flying couriers.
I recommend buying a second Flying Courier recipe (to give your Flying Courier the mana pool necessary to lay wards) by mid game. A mana-enhanced Flying Courier can lay Observer Wards around the map far more quickly than you can yourself.Magical Bottle
Magical Bottle is the best healing and regen item for Pit Lord, period. Your Flying Courier can continually refill it for you at the Fountain, giving you an unlimited stream of hit points and mana. Bottle is the only early regen option fully capable of supporting all-out Firestorm spamming on every creep wave.
Before the nerf in version 6.50, it was so overpowered that every hero HAD to get one. Bottle's regen capability still remains the best even after the nerfs in 6.50 and 6.51. The nerfs did succeed in making this item no better than (or possibly worse than) other regen options, for heroes who will have trouble farming it up or who must gank instead of waiting around for a refill. However, because Pit Lord shouldn't leave his lane during early game, he can still wield the rebalanced Bottle + Flying Courier combo just as well if not better than before.
Getting a Flying Courier and a Bottle is a big investment early game. But trust me, it's MORE than worth it. The benefits you gain from Bottle will improve your farming and will actually shave a few minutes off the time it would otherwise take you to farm up the rest of your items.RadianceMake no mistake about it: this is the most important item for the Pit Lord.
Radiance is considered one of the best items in the game, and many good teams have one (and only one, since the immolation doesn't stack) player with this item. Besides being generally awesome, it addresses a couple of the Pit Lord's problems: damage and hero killing. Radiance gives you an excellent +60 attack damage, while dealing 35 (26.25 to heroes) immolation damage per second to everything within a radius of 550 range units. If you don't think the immolation sounds like much, just do the math: If you burn 5 opponents, you will deal an additional 788 damage over the next 6 seconds from immolation damage alone.
The immolation lets you continue damaging an opponent just by following close behind them, so that you can kill someone even if you can't land a physical hit on them. Chasing someone down and finishing them off can be a major problem for the Pit Lord otherwise, since he lacks direct, high-damage nukes, and his disable doesn't do any damage. The AOE damage from Radiance will make you a bigger threat on the battlefield, so hopefully the enemy will respect that and target you, thus fulfilling your tanking role. Rush this as soon as possible, preferably in 20-25 minutes.
Void Stone
The mana regeneration from this item makes your spell spamming and farming far easier.
Scrolls of TP and Boots of Travel
The cooldown on Dark Rift is too long for you to sieze all of your pushing opportunities, so you'll need to get BoT. This item can help you tear down your enemies' towers far more efficiently, and save your own towers as well. Until you get BoT, keep a Scroll of TP on you at all times.
Heart of Tarrasque
This is another top tier item, which gives you far more hit points. Heart is an essential item for fufilling your tanking role.
Shiva's Guard + Hyperstone OR Assault Cuirass
After getting Heart, you can more easily boost your effective hit points by going for armor. Either Shiva's Guard or Assault Cuirass will do the job here. I've spent quite some time trying to crunch the numbers, and it's tough to decide which item is better. On one hand Shiva is better for personal tanking, because it gives the same amount of armor to you as Cuirass, while also decreasing all nearby enemies' attack speed by 25%. On the other hand, the +5 armor aura from Cuirass can provide more durability to your allies than Shiva's cold aura, should your enemies choose to ignore you and go for your frailer teammates. The increased attack speed and negative armor auras from Cuirass can also give your team far more damage than the 200 (150 after hero reduction) damage Arctic Blast from Shiva. Then again, Arctic Blast provides intangible benefits from the extra hits and AOE damage you may be able to land on slowed enemies.
However, one big advantage Shiva has over Cuirass is cost. Shiva costs just 4,700 gold, compared to 6,120 gold for Cuirass. While Pit Lord can farm up anything he wants, even he may not be able to get Cuirass at a reasonable time after all the other huge items in this build. You can also sell your Void Stone if you're going for Shiva, because it gives you +30 Intelligence (which more than covers for 3 consecutive Firestorms). That effectively reduces the cost of Shiva by 450 gold, shifting the balance even more into Shiva's favor. With all these cost savings, you can get a Hyperstone along with Shiva for just a little bit more than Cuirass itself, giving you some of Cuirass's benefits along with the ton of benefits from Shiva. If the game drags on, you can upgrade the Hyperstone into a full Cuirass.
Like Radiance, Shiva and Cuirass are one-per-team items because their auras don't stack if your allies also have the items. Because of this, I won't rule out Cuirass even though Shiva + Hyperstone is now the recommended build. Get Cuirass if your team has slowing and disabling more than covered, and especially if one of your allies already has Shiva.
Observer Wards, Sentry Wards, and Gem of True Sight
You're most likely going to be the richest player on your team, so don't be cheap. Be a team player and share the wealth by taking care of your team's ward and detection needs. Again, Flying Courier will be extremely useful because of its ability to quickly deploy wards around the map. You should be durable enough to be the team's Gem holder once you've acquired Heart.
Rejected Items
You may notice a similarity between some of the items in this list: They're big mana regeneration items. For some stupid reason, many Pit Lord players are under the mistaken impression that Pit Lord absolutely needs all this mana regeneration. He DOESN'T. He's not an intelligence hero, or a strength-caster that needs spells to contribute in a fight, but is somewhat lacking in natural mana (such as Earthshaker or Tiny). Pit Lord's natural intelligence growth is quite high (2.6 per level), and his spells all have low casting costs. In a big team fight, he just needs a reserve of 350 mana (not a lot by that point in the game) to cast his 3 AOE spells. Even then, those AOE spells aren't absolutely vital for dealing damage in a team fight, and a full team confrontation may not even occur if the enemy heroes engage and die against your team separately. Your main contributions will be tanking while dealing Radiance damage, and pushing creeps across the map at an extremely fast pace. I've found that the Void Stone and extra stat levels in my build are quite sufficient for supporting Firestorm spamming.
Gold in and of itself is useless. The Pit Lord's farming abilities should be channeled into obtaining items that give him an actual edge in battle (such as Radiance, Cuirass, and Heart), rather than being used to support further farming.
Yes, it gives you more mana regeneration, and even boosts your attack damage. However, it's far from a dominating item, and is pricey enough to delay your Radiance and Cuirass/Heart despite your awesome farming. This seems to be a common suggestion from a lot of people, but I think it's unnecessarily boosting one of your strong points while doing little to address your weaknesses. You don't need THAT much mana regeneration to effectively use your spells, and the Cleaving Attack is pointless, since you'll be killing every creep you see anyway. In team fights, Cleave doesn't match up to Radiance, since the AOE isn't as large and you won't be cleaving anything if you're disabled.
Guinsoo's Scythe of Vyse
This is another "solution" to the Pit Lord's supposed mana problems. Guinsoo is one of the best items in the game when it comes to mana regeneration and intelligence boosting, and it's a must-have for almost every intelligence hero. However, as a strength hero you will not be able to get the most use out of it (the intelligence won't boost your physical attack damage). Guinsoo is excellent for frail heroes who need an escape mechanism to survive, or high damage dealers who just need a few more seconds to finish off their prey. As a beefy tank and supporting hero who already has his own natural disable, these things just aren't necessary. Guinsoo may give you a ton of mana, but it doesn't give you the two things you need the most: hero killing power, and enough hit points to keep on tanking throughout the game.
Arcane Ring
Another favorite among the people who think that Pit Lord "needs" the mana regeneration. It's less wasteful than spending a ton of gold on a Battlefury or Guinsoo JUST for the mana, but it's still unnecessary.
I've seen some people suggesting this. It's not an absolutely terrible choice on Pit Lord, but it's just not as good as the other Reaver upgrade, Heart. As a tank with slow attack speed (who will probably end up being disabled during team fights if things go to plan), Pit Lord doesn't utilize the life steal very well. Heart will provide him with far more tanking ability.
Black King Bar
BKB is a survivability item, but it's NOT a tanking item. The tank's job on the team is to soak up all of the enemy's attacks, nukes, and disables, so that his frailer teammates won't have to. By giving you magic immunity, BKB removes the possibility of the enemy directing their spells towards you instead of your allies.
Posted by
A d '
11:27 PM
Heroes Items build and Skill build
Azgalor, The Pit Lord
Hero Overview
Azgalor is a tank who can spam his spells a lot. His three basic spells all have areas of effect (AOE), allowing him to wipe out creeps or affect multiple enemy heroes in team battles. His ultimate, Dark Rift, allows him and his allies to travel across the map in seconds. Although the Pit Lord lacks individual hero killing power, his abilities make him an excellent teammate. He excels at pushing and base defense, and can do a lot of damage in large team battles.
Strength: 25 + 2.6
Agility: 12 + 1.3
Intelligence: 17 + 2.6
Hit Points: 625
Mana Points: 221
Base Damage: 62-68
Attack Range: 100 (melee)
Movement Speed: 305
Armor: 5.0
-High hit points
-Excellent starting armor
-Good base damage
-High intelligence growth
-Above-average movement speed
-One of the best farmers in the game
-Great pusher and push defender
-AOE spells allow you to make an impact in large team battles
-Difficult gank target
-Dark Rift lets your team push, defend, and gank much better
-Large size makes it easier for enemies to target him, or for him to get stuck
-Slow attack speed
-No direct anti-hero nukes, struggles to get kills alone
-Item dependent
-Is an early game creep-kill hog (you may find yourself competing with your partner for creep kills)
-Needs allies who are able to coordinate with you. With noob allies, you may find yourself tanking a ton of damage in vain. You may also see your AOE spells or Dark Rift go to waste if your team doesn't move in on time to take advantage of them.
Calls down 6 waves of fire that damage enemy units in an area. Each wave deals initial damage and then burns enemies for 2 seconds.
Level 1 - 25 wave damage, 5 dps
Level 2 - 40 wave damage, 10 dps
Level 3 - 55 wave damage, 15 dps
Level 4 - 70 wave damage, 20 dps
Cooldown: 14
Manacost: 100 /110/120/130
This is your main farming tool, your bread and butter. Once you cast it, the AOE will take the full damage of the spell over a period of 8 seconds (this includes the secondary burn damage, it doesn't take that long for the waves to actually fall). The cooldown is low and the mana cost isn't very high, so spam this often.
The exact amount of damage inflicted by Firestorm is a source of confusion for many players. The residual burn damage from each wave does NOT stack with the burn damage from other waves. If a target stays in the spell's AOE for X number of waves, the damage it receives can be calculated by the following formula:
(X * wave damage) + [(X+1) * (burn damage)]
This damage is dealt over a period of X+2 seconds. A level 4 Firestorm will deal 560 damage to creeps and 420 damage to heroes (due to natural 25% spell resistance) who stay within its AOE for the full duration. You also have to consider that units and heroes will heal during the spell's duration. So if a target stays in the AOE for the full duration, its life after 8 seconds will be reduced by the total Firestorm damage minus the amount regenerated. Pit of Malice
A deadly pit is conjured at target location. Any unit that enters it becomes corrupted with malicious forces and are unable to move for some time.
Level 1 - 1.5 seconds
Level 2 - 2 seconds
Level 3 - 2.5 seconds
Level 4 - 3 seconds
Cooldown: 22/21/18/15
Manacost: 100/115/130/145
This is an AOE disable spell with some odd traits. It creates a circle of tombstones where you cast it, and any hostile unit inside the circle, or entering it from outside, will have its movement stopped. This means that you can lead your shot and place this in front of a fleeing enemy, so that they will run into it. Because it takes a moment for this spell to take effect, always try to predict your enemy's movement so that you won't miss. Pit of Malice DOES affect magic-immune units, such as Omniknight with Repel on or Juggernaut while in Bladefury.
Remember that this spell only stops movement. It does no damage, and "disabled" enemies can still cast spells and attack. Don't bother casting it if you have low life and a ranged enemy is in good position to shoot you several more times and finish you off; just run and hope you can put enough distance between the two of you. Besides chasing down or disabling your enemies in battle, this can also be used as a means of escape.Expulsion
Ignites the rotten gases of corpses, detonating them to cause damage to any enemy within the explosion radius. Each explosion fuels another until there are no more corpses in the area. Does a ministun on damaged units.
Level 1 - 20 damage per corpse
Level 2 - 40 damage per corpse
Level 3 - 60 damage per corpse
Level 4 - 80 damage per corpse
Cooldown: 10
Manacost: 75
This is another AOE damage spell, only it's reliant on the corpes of dead creeps. Because of this, I don't think it's as useful as Firestorm is for general farming or damage. It also doesn't give you the extra options that Pit of Malice does, so I only level this up late game. This is most effective during large team battles with lots of creeps taking part on both sides.
The ministuns from Expulsion can occasionally be helpful if an opponent tries to cast a powerful channeling spell while inside the AOE.
Dark Rift
Opens rifts that pass through the netherworld at his present position and a target unit simultaneously. Teleports your hero and nearby allied heroes through the rift.
Level 1 - 6 second casting delay time. Buildings only.
Level 2 - 5 second casting delay time. Units or Buildings.
Level 3 - 4 second casting delay time. Units or Buildings.
Cooldown: 180/160/140
Manacost: 75/150/225
Casting Delay Time: 6/5/4
The Pit Lord's ultimate has been heavily nerfed from its extremely powerful original version (named Dark Portal), and subsequently rebalanced several times. Long gone is the ability to perform continual full-team backdoor attacks on the opposing base, which was the original Dark Portal's most powerful feature. While I have campaigned for the backdoor ability to be restored, I also think that the current Dark Rift may be the most underrated ultimate in the game.
At level 1, this spell can only be targeted on friendly buildings. It's useful for defending towers and returning to the Fountain. Dark Rift gains offensive capabilities starting at level 2, when it can be targeted on friendly buildings or creeps. Level 2 and 3 Dark Rift can be used to quickly catch up to friendly creeps, greatly enhancing your pushing power. With Boots of Travel, the Pit Lord will have two teleports which will give him excellent map-wide control over the flow of creeps. He can push multiple lanes in a short time span, or push and then safely return home to heal or defend.
Keep in mind that Dark Rift has been changed from channeling to casting delay. This means that once Rift has been cast, the Pit Lord is free to do whatever he wants (or even get disabled). So long as he doesn't die, the Pit Lord will be teleported to safety at the end of the casting delay. Along with Pit of Malice, this makes the Pit Lord a very difficult target to gank and kill.
Dark Rift's most powerful, and least well-known application is in team ganking. See the "Dark Rift Ganking" section for further details.
Posted by
A d '
11:15 PM
Agzalor The Pit Lord,
Hero and Skills review
Here is Medusa Guidance to play, well it's a normal strategy.
But It is a powerfull strategy.
Enjoy it
Early game:
Grab your start items, and head for the bottom lane on sentinel or the top lane on scourge and try to get a solo lane. If you can't don't fret, its not a big deal. Your main goal here will be to nab as many last hits on creeps as possible, while not pushing too far and staying safe. Your main goal here is to not die before getting your sacred relic (or your maelstrom). Early game deaths hurt and possibly destroy Medusa, so don't be too bold and try to go for early game kills (unless of course you are laning with someone with a good stun). If the opportunity presents itself, purge and try to get the kill, but never chase too far. Its better to let them go heal, while letting you farm in peace. Than get the kill and also die (unless its first blood), in which case you will have a big halt in your farming. So hold down alt and look for those creeps in the red. You can even manually patrol behind your creep line if you really dont want to push far, and when the creep gets in the low red - pop 'em with a last hit.
[Chain Lightning use tip] Some times i like to get a RoB or a bottle early so i can spam some chain lightning. As a rule of thumb, if you ever have full mana, use chain lightning on an enemy and try to hit him a couple of times. In addition, one way you can harass at level 6 (and possibly get early game kills) is the purge/lightning combo. If any hero laggs behind his creep wave when you have two or more creeps, and they only have one that is about to die. Run at them and purge them. Get as many hits as you can (your creeps will get some too) and right when they reach about 600 range, let them have it. If done right this can get first blood at level 6-7. Also chain is great for farming early. Hit the druid in the back a couple of times until it is low. Then target the lightning on the hero in your lane if he is close. Always try to get at least one creep kill with your chain lightning as well as harassing the enemy, it makes the skill much more worthwhile.
[Build two tip] If you are planing on ganking a bit early game, be aware of your surroundings. Try not to engage in too many ganks that require you to leave your lane. If possible, have your teamates (preferably with a stun or a slowing nuke) come to your lane. When going for early game hero kills on an opponent with a teamate by your side, it is crucial that you both get your timing down. If you can surprise them from behind by going through the forest, then good. If not, then you are going to want to get close to your creeps before you plan on going for the kill. Act like you are just going for creep kills and denying, but close the distance in that you are keeping from your creep wave. When the time presents itself (near the end of a wave), have your teamate fire off his stun or slow. This is when you both run to the enemy hero and start attacking. Know in your head how long the stun lasts and right at the end immidiately purge the enemy. Make sure you and your teamate get in as many hits as you can (and possibly your teamate can stun/slow again if his cd is up), and if the enemy is running away with low health get as many shots in as you can and use chain to finish him at around 500 range. NEVER chase too far though. As I said, it is better to let them go heal and farm in peace in your lane.
Mid game:
Hopefully by now you have managed to farm your sacred relic or maelstrom components with little to no trouble. Now its time to hunt some heroes and make that money to buy the receipt (pushing and getting tower kills will do to).
When killing with Medusa it is best to attack from behind the enemy. Stay at 600 range and see how many hits you can get in before they react. When they react, whether its attacking you or running, purge them. Purge also slows attack speed, which makes Medusa a good solo killer as well. If they look like they are about to get away and your last shots won't finish them off, run along side them while your purge cools down, when it does, purge them again and finish them off.
Never try to go after two heroes especially if one has a stun. Even if one of the heroes is in the yellow / red, you will be surprised what a little micro, and a stun can do - NEVER underestimate your opponent (If one of the heroes is in the low red and decides to hang around - by all means, purge and own that newb...).
Once you have finished radiance or maelstrom its time to do a bit of pushing, (or more killing if you wish) you will find that when you have one of these items you get almost all the creep kills in every wave, you will soon find yourself rich enough to buy those treads and the next item on your list. Also if you have any extra time on your hands stop by the big creep camps. With split shot and your fast attack, they go down pretty quickly.
Using split shot: Don't be lazy while using split shot, turn it on when there are more than three creeps, and turn it off afterwards. Also a good thing to do is turn on split shot and attack the ranged creep. This guarantees you will get at least one creep kill, and most likely you will get the melee creeps as well.
Try not to push so far that you will get ganked, unless you are with a teamate, and you are not Rambo do not try and take on multiple heroes by yourself, especially if you don't have your BKB and one of them has a disable.
[Team battle tip] Medusa plays a large role as a damage dealer in team battles, however, you must get the timing down with your team. The fight should never start by you running out like a maniac in front of your team and putting arrows in whoever dares show their face. Stay with your team and wait for the teamates with the AoE moves to start the battle (Tidehunter, magnataur, enigma). Once they have used their skills, immidiately turn on split shot (and bkb if you have it), purge and focus on the enemy team's biggest threat (as long as they are not too far back). Don't get scared that you are not doing enough damage, or stop and run back (unless you are getting low). Fire off as many arrows as you possibly can. If there are any creeps around, they WILL be killed in the first couple of waves of your attack and ALL three arrows will be hitting enemy heroes. This means that even if the hero you are focusing on doesn't seem like he will killed by your assault, there is a good chance you have killed/badly injured a weaker hero next to him. At any point weakened heroes start to run, run along side them (hopefully you have BoT by this point) and wait for your purge to cool down. When it does, purge and finish them. However, the base should always be your prime focus, so never chase enemy heroes too far if there is still a threat at your base.
Late game:
By now you should at least have your Radiance / Mjollnir, BKB, and starting on Skadi or Butterfly. Now its time to push with your teammates and try to end the game.
Keep using your splitshot in team battles to put pressure on all enemy heroes and get them low. Less experienced players will tell you splitshot sucks and not to use it on heroes. DON'T LISTEN TO THEM! Once you have good damage, splitshot works wonders on enemy heroes and they will just crap themselves when they dont realize you have it on in time and they all end up in red.
You can take most any hero one on one, but be wary of those who have many disables if you don't have BKB or Linkens, disables are Medusa's weakness, (like most heroes) and at this point in the game I would advise sticking with teammates to avoid unnecessary death.
Also, if Roshan is up, your team might want to take him out before a big push. You are probobly the best candidate the have the aegis on (as you will most likely be the biggest damage dealer, and able to stop pushes by yourself), but if they don't give it to you don't stress it. Also you might want a hero to lag behind the Roshan spawn, or even put some observer wards up around the area to make sure the enemy team doesn't surprise you while your team is taking out Roshan. DO NOT, turn something that was unnecessary into something that loses the game for you. If the enemy team is coming, and you don't believe you can take them, then run. Simple as that.
If you find yourself at the end of your item build (meaning you have insane damage and health), your team might want to try some split pushing. Meaning you push in one lane, and your team pushes in another. Always be aware of how crafty your team is and where the enemy team is on the map, however. If the enemy team sends all they have got at you, then run back and teleport to your team to continue pushing with them. If they enemy team sends all they have got at your team, have them retreat while you knock of one of the enemy towers. If they split up their team, you should be able to kill whoever they send after you. But if not, abort this strategy and return to regular pushing.
Extended Split Shot Analysis / Formula:
Lets say you have an item that does 20 damage. When you turn on split shot you have three arrows each of which are shooting for 70 of Medusa's total damage. So the formula we would do is 20*.7=14 each arrow 14*3=42. So if you get the item that does 20 damage and use splitshot, you are adding 42 effective damage overall while using splitshot.
Say the same item that does 20 damage costs 1,000 gold, and we are trying to see if it will be a cost effective item to get for Medusa. The formula we would do is 1,000/20=50, wich means that for each point of damage you payed 50 gold, which would actually be very good if there was an item like this, because it would make it more cost-effective than the gg branch . These two formulas are very simple math, and you can use them to determine which items are better than the others for Medusa.
Heroes To Watch Out For:
Magina: Although this one is obvious suspects, he is the first one on my list. Magina has always been a great hero to kill Medusa because of his mana break ability combined with his ultimate. So basically using your mana shield against you, and when its drained using his ultimate to finish you off.
How to counter: Dont be in his lane early on, like i said early game deaths destroy Medusa. Switch lanes or get a buddy with a disable to help you. Also, with purge you can make sure he isn't getting alot of hits in to drain your mana. And as always, watch the minimap, MASTER IT. Dont let people surprise you with ganks, always count your dots.
Naga Siren: This is less of a threat because you dont see as many siren players as magina players, but its still the same problem. Any good siren will go diffusal/manta, and when they do, your mana shield is in critical danger.
How to counter: Again always watch your minimap and dont let them surprise you. You cannot counter siren the same way you counter magina because of her many images. I suggest sticking around teamates that have AoE damage to let you determine wich one is the real siren (not a hard task), or you can do it yourself. Turn on splitshot and shoot 2-3 arrows while holding 'alt', along with radiance it should be an easy task determining wich one is real, after wards just focus fire on the real siren, and hopefully with your high dmg output and her low hp, she will fall before you do. But in anycase stick with your teamates if you need support.
These are the BIG problems for Medusa, but also if you are up against big early game hero killsers like Maiden, or Venomancer. Either get some regen or switch lanes. Don't be too proud or embarassed to ask your partners for a lane change, if you die too much early your game could be destroyed.
Split Shot Tips:
While attacking the creep wave, toggle on splitshot and attack the ranged creep. This way you are assured one creep kill, and you will usually get 2-3 of the melee creeps aswell, depending on how far along with your item build you are.
Also, although you think that going for neutral creeps is a waste, there is a little trick with radiance to make it a quick and profitable experience. On the sentinal side there is a spot, right by the top entrance of the forest, where if you stand you can draw all creeps towards you, making money quick and easy.
Screen Shot
The same works on the scourge side, but it is less profitable because you can only draw two creep camps at a time. Work on your timing so you can try to come, to the creep camp and lure some creeps away right as another one spawns, if you can do this succesfully you can easily get 500+ gold for about 20 second of farming, wich is not "neglecting your team by farming and not pushing" because with radiance farming takes no time at all.
Screen Shot
While you are attacking a tower, activate splitshot, it will not only do a great deal of damage to the tower, but the creeps fighting yours will die, which allows for more time attacking the tower, not to mention the creep kills for you.
The Many Uses Of Purge:
We all know that purge slows opponents move speed, but what else does purge do?
First, it is very good at not only slowing a heroe's movement speed but slowing their attack speed. No matter if they are clinx and they have strafe on, they will start to attack very slowly. Use this to your advantage when you are taking out a hero with a high damage output.
Second, it is good at dispelling buffs. In addition to good ones on enemy heroes, it also dispells bad buffs. So not only can you save a teamate by purging an enemy thats chasing them, if they are in frostbite, have any type of slow on them, even if they are cycloned, be a good teamate and purge them. It will take the effect and will not slow your teamate like it does the enemy.
Third, you can use it to destroy summons. If you are up against a Phantom Lancer, Naga Siren, or Terror Blade, you can use purge to instantly rid yourself of some confusion. As well as if you are up against a Prophet, or Enigma you can kill their summons with purge. Also whether intended or not, if you are up against a keeper player, and they are annoying you by pushing with their ult, purge their Ignius Fatus. It will instantly destroy it and all the summons.
Fourth, it bypasses all magic immunity, BKB, Jugg's bladstorm. Whatever they throw at you, you will be able to purge them. So use this to your advantage.
Fifth, you can purge yourself!!! So if you are constantly getting hit with buffs, trying purging yourself to see if the buff will be removed.
Advanced Mana Shield Analysis:
So the question is, we know mana shield will take half the damage, but how much will actually be done to it, and will armor/magic resistance help?
Well i bellieve mana sheild works like this. The damage hits you and is immidatly divided by two. (armor and magic resist still hasent occured) The mana shield will absorb two points of damage done to the shield for each point of mana. Then the other half goes to life. (and finally the armor and magic resist are taken into account, before the damage is done the the life)
So say you have a 300 damage nuke. 1000 hp and 500 mana. You would end up with 888 hp and 425 mana. (mana takes damage before magic resist - 150 damage done (divided by 2 = 75), and hp takes damage with magic resist - 112 damage done)
So this means that armor and magic resist will not help your mana shield last longer, only mana/mana regen items.
So the question is, we know mana shield will take half the damage, but how much will actually be done to it, and will armor/magic resistance help?
Well i bellieve mana sheild works like this. The damage hits you and is immidatly divided by two. (armor and magic resist still hasent occured) The mana shield will absorb two points of damage done to the shield for each point of mana. Then the other half goes to life. (and finally the armor and magic resist are taken into account, before the damage is done the the life)
So say you have a 300 damage nuke. 1000 hp and 500 mana. You would end up with 888 hp and 425 mana. (mana takes damage before magic resist - 150 damage done (divided by 2 = 75), and hp takes damage with magic resist - 112 damage done)
So this means that armor and magic resist will not help your mana shield last longer, only mana/mana regen items.
Posted by
A d '
9:02 PM
Strategy and tricks